Digital Lab Mülkiye
Digital Lab Mulkiye is a virtual workspace for researchers and students interested in the societal aspects of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain. Established in February 2020, Digital Lab Mulkiye is part of the Department of Politics and Economics of Ankara University.
Current contributors: Altug Yalcintas, Ozgur Kizilyurt, Kardelen Kaya Erman, and Ezgi Hazal Şanlı.
Current Projects
Turkish Political Economy Database, from the 1800s to Date is a digital history of economics project (ongoing). The aim of the project is to compile a relational database of Turkish political economists from the 1800s to date. Results are preliminary. For further information see the Open Science Framework.
Mülkiye Social Sciences Database, from 1859 to Date is a digital history project (ongoing). The aim of the project is to compile a relational database of scholars who lectured at Mülkiye from 1859 to date. Further information will be available at the Open Science Framework soon.